Cystic Fibrosis Care : Researcher & Spokespatient : Gino Anthony
Cystic Fibrosis Researcher & Spokespatient : Gino Anthony
Gino's mother took him to many doctors before learning that he had CF. His diagnosis marked the beginning of a life that would require frequent hospitalizations, sleeping inside a plastic mist tent, and handfuls of pills around the clock.

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Gino was a little trooper and before long had attracted the attention of local newspapers and television. The CF Foundation chose him as their poster child and his mother found her nitch as a top CF fundraiser. Gino loved proving that CF would not stop him from being a normal kid. Celebrities would invite Gino and his family to private fundraising parties at their home. Before long Gino decided that he wanted to be an entertainer.
Anthony Robbins is Gino's personal friend and mentor, and has praised Gino's commitment to inspire others in need. Gino is now calling on celebrity friends to help pave the way for a great new charity for children with special needs.

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